In times of stress, I head to the ocean. It is my healing space. Every human being has their healing space, where they retreat to go inward and feel more at peace. For some, they just don't know where that space is, yet.
Wild coaching is taking the work outside to a natural space, surrounded by trees, or in the hills, or by the sea. It invokes a deeper sense of connection to the natural world, and to the self.
In 2021, my practise changed after I participated in an experiential training in the Pyrenees in Spain. A week long camping trip opened my eyes to the different ways to work outdoors and with nature to find the deeper questions and sometimes answers clients seek. It also enabled me to see the way nature can create space for meaningful change, in a different way to working through a screen or in a room can.
Being in nature teaches you to trust new experiences.

If the work is online, and a natural space can't be accessed together, one of the exercises I do with clients is to take them to this place through visualisation. This can be with adults and young people. Imagining you are walking somewhere in nature and feel completely relaxed. What can you see? Smell? Hear? Can you reach out and touch a natural object? What does it feel like? How does that object relate to an aspect of your inner self?
If we can access nature, I love to do a circle of self with natural objects, creating the different layers with sticks, leaves and stones.
Wild coaching is a fairly new venture, but I always ensure the safety element is in place, assessing routes and spaces before sessions. Get in touch to find out more!
